The Only Reason For Each & Every War!

Most of the people think that each war has a different reason, some wars are fought for money, some for dominance, some for religion or land. But war experts suggest something else. Each and every war is fought for only one reason: 'Economy'.

Yes, you read it right. Religion, Caste, Dominance, etc. are just a mask / justification for the bloodshed. There are several examples that easily verify this statement.

In 1905, Crusades war erupted. We have always been taught that it was a war for religion. The real reason was Economy. The Muslims had been expanding their territory with series of battles. A bigger territory means a bigger population and a bigger economy. So to stop the Muslims for expanding their influence and to take back the Christian territory, crusades were fought. Thus you can easily notice that Economy is the most common and subtle reason of every war.

In recent times you must have noticed the war against ISIS. There are several Arab countries that are funding ISIS, they are the richest terrorist group with a net worth of over 2 Billion USD. They earn money by Foreign funding, Extortion, Crude Oil export, Electricity export and taxes. Religion, is just a mask used by them for misguiding and recruiting terrorists from all over the world. The real reason for ISIS is crushing the government of Bashar Al-Assad and the underlying reason for this is the greed for money (economy), in the form of Crude Oil.

Wars help in expansion of territory and loot acquired by the victorious nation in form of money or resources are beneficial for progress of a nation.
So the next time you hear someone say that a war is being fought somewhere in the world for religion, dominance, etc. tell them its just for the Economy.

Written By:
Lord Of Enigma
[The Immortals]
The Only Reason For Each & Every War! The Only Reason For Each & Every War! Reviewed by Lord Of Enigma on October 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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