How To Win A War Without Fighting - Sun Tzu Method

Sun Tzu was an ancient strategist who argued that a brilliant general was one that could win without killing anybody.

You may be wondering how can someone win a conflict without fighting, but in history there have actually been cases where the armies have won without fighting. One of the recent example is The Operation Blue Star.

Operation Blue Star was a military mission to rescue the hostages captured by terrorists in Golden Temple (Sikh Temple). An indian undercover went in Golden Temple as an undercover agent. He started building up fear inside the mind of terrorists by telling them how powerful the security forces where. The terrorists were so terrified that they submitted without fighting and all the hostages were rescued.

Sun Tzu method teaches us that war always leads to destruction and should always be avoided. He tells us to use the diplomatic skills to manipulate the opponent and win them without fighting.

This method is really useful in today's world when wars are not even an option as we have already scene the capabilities of Nuclear Weapons.

Written By:
Lord Of Enigma
[The Immortals]
How To Win A War Without Fighting - Sun Tzu Method How To Win A War Without Fighting - Sun Tzu Method Reviewed by Lord Of Enigma on October 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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