Attrition - War Of Revenge

Attrition warfare is a military strategy consisting of belligerent attempts to win a war by wearing down the enemy to the point of collapse through continuous losses in personnel and materiel. The war will usually be won by the side with greater such resources. The word attrition comes from the Latin root atterere to rub against, similar to the "grinding down" of the opponent's forces in attrition warfare.

Attrition wars are executed to destroy the opponent's infrastructure and habitation. This type of warfare is condoto take revenge from an opponent. Attrition is usually a reaction of the defenders to take revenge against the aggressor.

There are multiple ways to execute an Attrition war some of which are: Air Bombing, Naval Attack on seacoasts, Missile Strikes, Atomic Bombing, etc.

Military theorists and strategists have viewed attrition warfare as something to be avoided. Attrition warfare represents an attempt to grind down an opponent and its superior numbers, which is the opposite of the usual principles of war in which one attempts to achieve decisive victories by using minimal necessary resources and in minimal amount of time, through manoeuvreconcentration of forcesurprise, and the like.

Attrition is usually used only as a last resort when all the strategies have failed. Attrition wars are mostly successful only when executed upon a weak enemy.

Written By:
Lord Of Enigma
[The Immortals]
Attrition - War Of Revenge Attrition - War Of Revenge Reviewed by Lord Of Enigma on October 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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