Raiding - Not letting them grow

Raiding has been a very effective war strategy since medival age. Raiding is usually done when money / resources is the only reason of war.

Raiding involves short lived capture, that ends once the defender's resources / money has ended. Raiding is most effective when the defender is much weaker than the aggressor. 

Raiding can be repeated after the defender has grown back his resources. One thing to note while raiding, is to destroy the military capacity of the defender to let it remain weaker than you.

A good raiding target can bring a lot of wealth to the aggressor but a failed one can be equally disastrous. Before a raid is conducted, espionage operations are a must as it tell you everything about the raiding target and their military preparation.

Thus raiding is a form of war where aggressor has no personal grudges with the defender and the only aim of war is looting the victim.

Written by:
Lord Of Enigma
[The Immortals]
Raiding - Not letting them grow Raiding - Not letting them grow Reviewed by Lord Of Enigma on October 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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