Why Join The Immortals? [Politics & War]

Hey there! Looking to be a long term player? Need an alliance that can protect you from raiders and pirates? Congratulations! Your search is over. Join the Immortals. Here are a bunch of reasons, why you should join us!


We are one of the Top 10 alliances in the Orbis (World of politics and war game). We have rapidly climbed up the hierarchy of alliances. Our mission is to be the biggest Economic and Military power of Orbis. If you want to be one of the top influential leader of Orbis, Immortals would be the best choice.


We are the biggest active alliance of Orbis and we are growing each day with more and more nations joining us. We give instant 1000000$ sign up bonus to each nation that joins us! Claim it right now, by joining us!


Orbis is full of pirates who are always raiding independent nations not affiliated to alliances. They may stop or slow you from becoming an economic/ military power. Our alliance has a 24/7 Counter team that will protect you nation from being raided and looted.


We have an active government that will give you 100% grants for building your cities and 100% grants to build your city projects. These grants will boost your nation's growth and help you rise as a powerful nation.


We provide 100% free of cost e-books that will teach you to make a powerful and prosperous nation. We provide raiding guides, economy guide and a battle guide completely free of cost!


Free offer 100% free training programs to each of out nation which help to know the game better. We also teach our members on how to efficiently win battles. These trainings makes you a better strategist and a better commander.


We have a fun and awesome community on Discord where we do fun chat, trade and have fun!

No other alliance will give you all these benefits. So what are you waiting for? Join today!

Discord Server: Link Here!

Alliance Page: Link Here!
Why Join The Immortals? [Politics & War] Why Join The Immortals? [Politics & War] Reviewed by Lord Of Enigma on October 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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