Six Reasons Why Raiding Immortals Is Not Fun! - Politics and War Blog

'The Immortals' is an active alliance of Orbis and is one of fastest growing Alliance too. This is a post dedicated for nations / alliances, that think they can raid The Immortals without getting devastated.

Here we list Top six reasons why you should never raid an Immortal!

1) Well-Built Nations:

All our nations have a well built Military and have a large standing Army, Air force & Navy. Thus it would not be easy for you to snatch the stockpiled resources. We also provide military training and teach war strategies to our member nations, so you you should expect a heavy repulsion from them, after you have attacked.

2) Instant War Notification:

Our discord server has War channels, that uses Bots to provide instant War notification, as soon as the war is declared. Thus we organize an instant counter raid team.

3) 24/7 Active Military Commanders:

We always have a military commander online, to protect the Alliance and to organize a strike team. Which means, we have a very less reaction timing (Not a good news for you!).

4) Attrition Revenge:

After an aggressor has attacked one of our members, we organize 3 nations to declare Attrition wars on the Aggressor, which means a lot of infrastructural damage. 
NOTE: In most of the counters, we do not accept truce requests from the aggressors!

5) We are huge!

We are the second largest alliance of the Orbis and biggest alliance in terms of active nations, we rank 6 or 7 in the Orbis rank hierarchy. We have a well organised community and we are always prepared for the wars. So its not a really good idea to mess with our members nations, especially when there are a plenty of other alliance you can attack.

6) MDP with Farkistan & Pantheon:

Last but not the least, we have MDP treaty with top alliances like Farkistan and Pantheon as well as ODP with DH and SF. Which means we have got people to hold our backs even when we are having a bad time.

Thank You For Reading!

Written By: 
Lord Of Enigma
[The Immortals]
Six Reasons Why Raiding Immortals Is Not Fun! - Politics and War Blog Six Reasons Why Raiding Immortals Is Not Fun! - Politics and War Blog Reviewed by Lord Of Enigma on October 16, 2019 Rating: 5


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