Battle of Annihilation - How To Defeat A Powerful Enemy

Annihilation is a military strategy in which an attacking army seeks to entirely destroy the military capacity of the opposing army. This strategy can be executed in a single planned pivotal battle, called a "battle of annihilation." A successful battle of annihilation is accomplished through the use of tactical surprise, application of overwhelming force at a key point, or other tactics performed immediately before or during the battle.

This tactic was used by Israel to win the war against Arab forces. This is especially used when the opponent has greater number of specific forces. Like in case of Israel, The Arabs has a bigger Air Force and could have had easily defeated Israel. But Israel chose to strike first and destroyed a large number of Arab air crafts by bombing the airbases.

This tactic is more efficient when you choose to strike first, and can result in serious weakening of enemy's military. 

Reasons for not seeking a battle of annihilation include the following:

  • Avoidance of the risk and cost associated with such a battle
  • Lack of means to attempt such a battle
  • Ability to achieve desired objectives through other means
  • Accepted practice
  • Political concerns
  • The enemy might declare fight to the death
  • Fear of repercussions

If you believe you can handle these consequences, you may try this strategy. This type of battle is usually executed with the help of Air Forces.

Written By: 
Lord Of Enigma
[The Immortals]
Battle of Annihilation - How To Defeat A Powerful Enemy Battle of Annihilation - How To Defeat A Powerful Enemy Reviewed by Lord Of Enigma on October 11, 2019 Rating: 5

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