Dirty War Strategies - The Fake Truce

Dirty War Strategies can be really dangerous for your opponents if used executed properly. Well these war strategies might sound 'Dirty' to use but there has always been a saying: Everything is fair in war and love.

In this post we will discuss about one such strategies, 'The Fake Truce'. Fake truce is a battle strategy in which the aggressor or defender raises a white flag or a truce offer and later betrays as soon as they are capable of winning or as soon as the opponent reduces their defence.

Another aspect of fake truce can be, negotiating with the opponent by demanding for money / resources and later betraying them by attacking after the demanded ransom has been recieved.

In today's world, this is against the Geneva War Conventions and such a thing is considered as a war crime, but this used to be a common technique in medival era.

Written By:
Lord Of Enigma
[The Immortals]
Dirty War Strategies - The Fake Truce Dirty War Strategies - The Fake Truce Reviewed by Lord Of Enigma on October 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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